1. What is hydrogen-rich water? Isn’t all water 2/3rds hydrogen?
Answer: Hydrogen rich water is regular water that has been saturated with molecular hydrogen, or hydrogen gas (H2). Water, or H2O, is a chemical compound consisting of 2 hydrogen atoms (H) bonded with an oxygen atom (O). Hydrogen-rich water is a solution of H2 (molecular hydrogen) gas, that is simply dissolved in to H2O (water). Think of ‘carbonating’ water, used in sparkling waters and soda pops, but instead of using CO2 (carbon dioxide) gas, using H2 (molecular hydrogen) gas.
2. Why should I drink water saturated in hydrogen gas, or hydrogen-rich water?
Answer: Although research is in its early stages, with the seminal article being published in Nature Medicine in 2007, so far over 600 studies have been published indicating improvements in over 170 different health related issues across every organ in the body. While more research is needed, studies have suggested that hydrogen-rich water is an effective tool in reducing oxidative stress, amongst many other potential benefits. Feel free to peruse the ‘studies’ section, or visit the non-profit hydrogen education site: www.molecularhydrogeninstitute.com
3. How much H2 should I consume daily?
Answer: There is limited evidence to suggest the best dosing protocols of molecular hydrogen, but we have found that a minimum of 1-2 tablets per day is required, with some using 5-6. Many people find greatest effect by consuming 4 tablets, or 4 bottles of water per day for the first 30 days, and then if you choose, reduce the dosage to 2 per day.
4. What type of water is best to use to prepare my tablets?
Answer: While any type of water will work, with no difference between filtered, distilled, or tap, For health reason I would recommend some type of filtered water. For water temperature, tepid will dissolve a tablet faster than cold water.
5. How long does it take before I can drink my H2 TRUE water?
Answer: Tablets typically dissolve within 1 - 2 minutes in 12 - 16oz of water. Wait until the last remaining bit of the tablet rises to the surface; stir lightly and drink immediately. Very easy!
6. Should I add anything else to my water?
Answer: We recommend adding a fruit juice to your water, either a citrus fruit or apple juice. It speeds up the reaction and allows for higher levels of H2.
7. What if there is residue or undissolved chunks left?
Answer: You can stir with a straw if there is any residue on the top. This is just undissolved magnesium, and it is perfectly safe to ingest- in fact, it will just react in your stomach to create even more H2, so drink up! Sometimes the delicate chemistry of our tablets and the water leaves some remnants of the magnesium, especially if the water you used was extra cold.
8. Is this product natural?
Answer: Yes: Being a reaction between the element magnesium, and water- to create H2, or molecular hydrogen, a molecule comprised of 2 hydrogen atoms, which is the Universe’s oldest atom, not much could qualify as more natural!
9. Are there any side effects from H2?
Answer: In over 600 published articles no side effects have been observed.
Note that these tablets do contain magnesium- so exceeding the RDA of Magnesium can have associated risks (i.e diarrhea). We suggest limiting to no more than 6 tablets daily. In certain people with diabetes H2 may exert a hypoglycemic effect, which can be normalized by patients lowering their insulin injection levels. So it is important to monitor glucose and insulin for diabetics.
10. Is this the same as consuming hydrogen peroxide?
Answer: While popular in some circles for claimed therapeutic benefits for specific ailments, food grade hydrogen peroxide [H2O2] is in no way similar to dissolved molecular hydrogen [H2] other than they both contain the word ‘hydrogen’. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer and is used as a bleaching agent and disinfectant. Molecular hydrogen [H2] is a reducing agent/anti-oxidant.
11. Is the tablet or water explosive or flammable?
Answer: No. The levels of magnesium in the H2 TRUE tablet are too low to be flammable, as is the level of hydrogen in the water created. Hydrogen has to exceed 4% of the atmospheric pressure to be explosive.
12. Why H2 TRUE tablets over hydrogen sticks, or other water soluble or ingestible tablets?
Answer: H2 TRUE is by far the most powerful hydrogen creator on the market. Capable of producing enough H2 to saturate 500ml of water with 13 PPM*(parts per million) of H2, this far exceeds what any of the other methods can achieve. By contrast, both ionizers and hydrogen sticks typically produce between 0.1-0.5 PPM of H2, while degrading in performance over time.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.